Convenient, quality medical care in the heart of NYC
Open 7 days a week, weekends & evening, most holidays.
Convenient, quality medical care in the heart of NYC
Simple, supportive healthcare
22 Years’ Experience
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Medical Excellence
It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth.
In-person or online care
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We can help you with the following conditions:
Your health is safe with us
Get accurate radiology reports for a clear medical diagnosis with consultants specialized in the field of diagnostic and interventional radiology at our center only.
Virtual urgent care
Get a diagnosis and treatment plan without leaving the comfort of home. By downloading the NYP Connect app, you can access world-class care from the teams at Columbia and Weill Cornell Medicine.
We accept all major insurance plans.
No insurance? No problem. We accept cash payments, and our prices are affordable.
Please call us at 415-523-6317 and we’ll help you out.